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Since joining ABD my son Ashten Booher has grown as a ball player. With great thanks to the coaching staff that takes the time to work individually with the players to help them develop as a ball player. He has since made the his High School Freshman team and we look forward to all that will come with HS and ABD in the future
Brian Booher
Hi Randy, Hi Jerry, I Want to thank you guys for All the hard work you guys Do and I especially want to thank you for all the Great instruction and guidance you guys have gave Georgie, he made the Fall freshman team today at Roosevelt and will start 6th period baseball on Monday!! Georgie and I just wanted to let you guys now how much we appreciate you guys!!!!! Thanks again
George Ramos
I just wanted to take a moment to give thanks and praise the stellar job that you did. With so many new parents there I made sure to meet some and introduce them to the existing parents so they would feel welcome. I thought you would enjoy some of the comments! Many parents were so surprised and pleased by the professionalism and organization as an overall. 2 parents commented on how quiet it was in the stands and how nice that it wasn't dad ball from the sidelines. Quite a few commented on the boys behavior, what serious and fine young men they were. They were shocked that there was no ruff housing, no yelling coaches and parents and kids with attitudes. I had many tell me they didn't think a program like this existed and they wished they had known earlier. They were surprised that ABD didn't advertise or they would have sought out ABD sooner and are so thankful that their kids will be involved with professionals like this.
Melissa Hanvey
Hi Randy, I just wanted to give you feedback on this past weekend. I thought the Camp was great!!!! I realize the main purpose was to see and evaluate the kids in a similar setting but I thought the little seminars and workshops sprinkled through were great! I do occasionally have to plan big events/meetings at work and I know the amount of prep and thought that has to go into pulling something like this off. It appeared well coordinated, so GREAT job! I thought the topics were good and my son thought the weekend was of value as well. I think it is nice to have a majority of the ABD kids together to develop relationships too.
Natasha Molla
My son was 12 years old when he started training and playing with ABD. At that point he had been playing baseball for a year. He played one season of little league then 3 months with another travel team that was not a good match for him. I did my research and looked at another 3 organizations for my son and decided on ABD. ABD offered my son the time, reps and drills he needed to strengthen what we have come to know as his natural abilities. ABD gave him a solid foundation at a pace that he could develop his skills and refine them over time. My son's journey is a very unique one. He watched The Jackie Robinson movie "42" at the age of 11 and decided to start playing baseball. He didn't have all the years of training and playing that his peers have. ABD taught him the fundamentals & brought out the best in him as a player, especially over the last 8 months or so. His leadership skills on the field have blossomed as well. The discipline, training and knowledge and at bats with ABD paid off. Braxton made the high school baseball team at Summit High School where he will have the opportunity to earn a spot on the Varsity roster as a 14 year old sophomore. It's because of ABD and his coaches here that he accomplished this pivotal goal. He is a proud ABD player. Thanks ABD for believing in him! #ABDTRAINED&RAISED
The Riley Family